What do I do?
I use nature as a tool to help burned out humans reconnect to their true passions and achieve their highest well-being.
I combine consciousness-based energy medicine and conscious observation from modalities such as Linking Awareness, BodyTalk and Reiki with the healing powers of nature to facilitate and catalyze balancing to optimize your body’s ability to heal itself and express your unique potential.
I experienced life-changing shifts through Linking Awareness, various BodyTalk and reiki practitioners, and on an immersive wilderness survival course. Combining these modalities was a logical next step to both help individuals balance themselves and empower them to see their own abilities to transform their lives.
What is a session like?
Each session is unique, even for returning clients. I work with your body’s innate wisdom to highlight and correct imbalances. Highlighting and observing these imbalances shift can catalyze profound changes, unexpected opportunities and resolution of issues.
A session may involve tapping and breathing techniques, the use of quantum technology, connecting with nearby nature, the use of sound frequencies, profound realizations and energy releases. Yawning, stomach gurgles, chills, tingles, hot flashes, and adjusting joints are a few signs of energy in motion. Some individuals may not notice anything during the session but report major changes in subsequent days.
Body Talk remote treatments have consistently been powerful catalysts for physical healing and spiritual shifts within me but I suppose a part of me thought that my friendship with my first Body Talk practitioner allowed the connection required for remote treatment's efficacy. I see clearly now that our True Self shows up to those who are intuitive and trained to witness them and interpret their messages, whether a physical meeting has occurred between those two souls before or not! Greg is truly gifted in his ability to tune in and receive what is needed to provide profound healing treatments! The synchronicities in his notes have left me with no doubt that we are all connected through the energy that animates us, and the subsequent physical/emotional/spiritual shifts following our treatments have been incredible!
I was moved to tears listening to the recording of his notes, my neck pain resolved completely within three days of the first treatment and my dog's physical and emotional state has improved so immensely, I haven't seen him this energetic and spunky in years! I can't begin to express in words the gratitude I feel for Greg's assistance in helping me shift physical blockages and release outdated belief systems, and thus helping free my dog from having to carry the weight of trying to take them from me! I would highly recommend a treatment from Greg to anyone!!
-Erin, British Columbia
Greg's curiosity, intuition and knowledge create a strong foundation for his BodyTalk work. He has a very genuine and caring way of asking questions and he always takes time to answer questions as they arise. I am a very rational person and I like to understand how things work; however, more powerful than understanding the process of BodyTalk is simply experiencing it. Greg's sessions have helped my body process significant events and facilitated incredible shifts in my wellbeing.
-Amy, Saskatchewan
It was like a day or two after your session that [my partner] got work nearby, and then he got called to the coast and has been working there for the last week and a half. It totally shifted stuff. Thank you!
-Anonymous, British Columbia
Thank you for the session! While you were recording it, we moved out of the ICU 😁
-Anonymous, Colorado
It's really been helping me hone in on some important thoughts and feelings that I can use to love, respect and support myself with and I'm so very appreciative of the opportunity that's being co-created in these sessions.
-Julie, British Columbia
Greg's remote Body Talk session was very helpful. He discovered a lot of relevant things that were going on and helped me release things I no longer needed. His report was concise and included lots of useful information. I recommend Greg to anyone that wants to heal through Body Talk.
-Kelly, Australia
Bring your questions about energy healing and consciousness. I utilize several techniques to address and balance concerns covering all aspe...
Join me for a hike followed by an outdoor session. We'll get moving outside, combining the wisdom and power of nature with conscious energ...
Join me for an experience reconnecting to nature followed by a session. We'll find a suitable location to get in touch with both outer and ...